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I feel that it would be weird to only have one picture my whole life and that would be the way people knew me. I am constantly taking new pictures of myself to post. I would never use an old photo. Yes they also didn't have social media but I would not like one picture my whole life. I get tired of old pictures. In this photo that would be the only one for the rest of my life I would include just me. I would want the only picture of me to be as simple as possible so that I could possibly like it for my whole life. If I added something I liked then, I could possibly grow out of it. For me to show who I really am I would be in every day clothe like this picture I made. I would want it to represent who I am. I am generally in casual clothes, leggings and a sweatshirt/ T-shirt. To me I feel it's hard to tell a story with just that one picture of somebody. I feel that to do this though it would be if the person is smiling or not. What their wearing would also show who they are. Just having one photo your whole life would leave out the rest of their life from that point. Would they have aged poorly or did they become someone famous. One would not know because they only have that one picture from when they were young.

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